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Taxes are your main income of Coins in My Empire. Your tax level is determined by Capacity and Happiness, the lower of the two, so you will want to grow them roughly at the same rate.

You collect taxes by hiring a Tax Collector. Each tax collector has a count-down time until the tax may be collected. After that time has past, you have another count-down timer of the same length to click on the now flashing red icon and actually add that amount to your Coins Total. Failure to respond before the count-down has expired will result in the "Money Lost! Hire a new Tax Collector!" message.

Totti may be used 10x each Day at the most, after which he will work 10x at the Tired Totti rate while complaining he is "sleepy". After that, he goes to sleep and can not be roused until the next Day begins. (Occasionally after Pictor works for 4 hours Totti can be used again for an unknown time, but this seems like a software bug, not deliberate.)

Base Rate (no Hall Modifiers)
Totti Tired Totti Pictor Donni Bagio
Waiting time 5 minutes 5 minutes 4 hours 12 hours 24 hours
0 100 50 330 560 800
100 110 55 540 910 1300
200 120 60 670 1120 1600
500 130 65 790 1330 1900
1000 140 70 920 1540 2200
2000 145 73 1040 1750 2500
4000 150 75 1170 1960 2800
7000 155 80 1330 2240 3200
12000 * 160 80 1500 2520 3600
20000 * 172 89 1740 2920 4000
30000 * ? ? ? ? ?
50000 * ? ? ? ? ?
  • Note that at the 12,000 and above population the amounts that appear under the tax collectors and the actual amounts collected differ. This is the actual collected amount. Attempting for 50,000 population is not recommended --as of June 2010 some users were reporting being locked out of tax collection and other problems.

Research unlocks new levels to the Hall that will add a bonus to tax collection.There is no bonus for the Village Hall.Here are the bonuses for Town Hall and above:

Town Hall

City Hall Royal Hall
5% 10% 15%

You can hire Tax Collectors and collect Taxes by using the Smartphone web pages. It is worth noting Totti will not state, he is tired but only collect the tired amount.