My Empire Wiki

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Wonders are large, showpiece buildings in an Empire that require Coins, Rare Goods, Mill, Quarry, and Mine Resources to build. You may only build one of each type of Wonder. You may delete a Wonder, in which case it returns to your Build menu and may be built again (You will lose all resources used to build the Wonder).

As the user gathers enough of a material to build the Wonder, the checkmark on the right side of its progress bar will turn green. This must be clicked to actually spend the resources and complete building that part of the wonder.

Each wonder has 4 levels of "under construction" animation. As more checkmarks are completed, the construction animation advances closer to being fully done. This is most noticeable with the Colossus, which is built from the feet up.

Level Cost Happiness Fame Requirements
Stonehenge 1 0 500 1000 1 Driftwood, 2 Stone, 3 Bronze, 10 Tar
Pyramids ? 500 1000 2000 5 Softwood, 5 Sandstone, 4 Bronze,10 Pyramid Stone
Sphinx ? 250 650 1000 4 Driftwood, 4 Stone, 5 Iron, 10 Gem
Colossus of Rhodes 14 250 500 1000 4 Hardwood, 4 Stone, 4 Iron, 10 Sulfur
Hanging Gardens ? 500 900 1500 5 Softwood, 5 White Marble, 5 Silver, 10 Jade
Great Lighthouse ? 250 500 1000 4 Driftwood, 4 Sandstone, 4 Bronze, 10 Mercury
Parthenon 19 1000 1250 2000 6 Redwood, 7 Sandstone, 7 Iron, 25 Crystal
Victory Arch 19 1000 1000 2000 7 Driftwood, 6 Red Marble, 6 Silver, 25 Diamond
Colosseum 26 1500 1500 2500 7 Softwood, 6 Stone, 7 Gold, 25 Pyramid Stone
Great Mausoleum 32 1500 1500 2500 6 Hardwood, 7 White Marble, 7 Bronze, 25 Gem
Giant Moai Statue 1 Free 1500 2500 4 Emerald, 4 Ruby, 4 Topaz, 4 Sapphire
Chichen Itza 1 300 1500 2500 5 Emerald, 5 Ruby, 5 Topaz, 5 Sapphire

See also:

May not be Moved between Islands, but can be Rebuilt[]

Wonders may be dragged around with the Move option to any other location on their current Island. Even if still being built.

Wonders may not be placed into Storage, and may also not be deleted and then rebuilt.